
Zuchtbuch-Nr.: VDH/DCNH SH 15882/15
Geboren: 13.09.2015
Fell: schwarz-weiß
Augen: braun/braun
HD-Wert: A1 (23.07.2017)
AU: o.B. (04.07.2017) (28.02.2020)

Uxana of the Fiery Crusaders
Uxana from the fiery crusaders

Uxana stammt aus unserem U-Wurf (Milky Way x Lola).

Uxanas Pedigree

Milky Way of Frankonia Power
VDH/SHC 2009 3849
Howling Spirits Ranger
AKC WP 93502801
Vajradhara’s Boo-Boo
SF 34441/93
Hercules of Sepp-Alta
Wingasheek’s Nor’Easter
AKC WP 09243201
Howling Spirits Sparrow
AKC WP 93502801
Airborne’s Nicholai of Umiat
AKC WF 815844
C-Red of Sepp-Alta
AKC WP 234991/08
Campari of Frankonia Power
VDH/SHC 2005 2860
Sperber’s Torne Mark’s N’Akimo
VDH/DCNH SH 10369/94
Polar Speed Simba
VDH/DCNH SH 09762/94
Torne Mark’s J-Chuckchi
VDH/DCNH SH 08620/92
Frosty of Kwik Way
VDH/SHC 2002 2267
Zinaldan Atik
VDH/SHC 2001 1846
Arancha of Kwik Way
VDH/DCNH SH 13256/99
Lola from the fiery crusader’s
VDH/DCNH SH 15373/12
Icebell’s Carlos
VDH/SHC 2007 3272
Icebell’s Shadow
VDH/SHC 2002 2232
Snöexpressens Timon
S 25183/98
N 11778/96
Icebell’s X-Nellie
VDH/SHC 2004 2680
Snöexpressens Timon
S 25183/98
Shaktoolik’s H’Scout
VDH/SHC 2001 1949
Helen from the fiery crusader’s
VDH/DCNH SH 14375/06
Sky Runner Drago
VDH/SHC 2002 2273
Aikan of Arctic power Pack
VDH/DCNH SH 10861/95
Polar Speed Nunnukallailaa
FIN 37413/97
Icebell’s Opal
VDH/SHC 200 1699
Icebell’s Garreth
VDH/SHC 98 1162
N 11778/96